
Theatre Design Jobs

A director is a person who is in charge of making major decisions based upon the film and set. He/she directs actors and actresses and guides them throughout the process. It is up to them to over look at all the creative elements of the film producer’s tasks and develop them if necessary. Their responsibilities include:
·         Flow of the script
·         Types of sequence shots
·         Affective lighting
·         Camera angles
·         Lens affects
·         Set planning and design
For a film director directing a film is like telling a story the way you want.  Directors have the opportunity to choose between varieties of methods for film directing such as, alongside examples of directors who have chosen the stated method:
·         Discover a general plotline and let the actors of the show incorporate their own speech as they go along – Spike Lee, Jean-Luc Godard
·         Have clear instructions and guide actors through each scene in detail - Victor Fleming, James Francis Cameron
·         Collaborate, using long-standing writing partners, on screen play - Simon Pegg, Terrence Vance Gilliam
·         Appear in their films - George Orson Welles, John Howard Carpenter, Benjamin Edward Stiller
·         Take responsibility of also being the cinematographer and editor - Nicolas Jack Roeg

A producer consists of someone who is dependent on selecting a screenplay and originates the process of film making.  They oversee the overall outcome as it is developing as they supervise and observe for any controlling matters. Being able to give advice is one of the many qualities a producer must acquire. In addition they also overlook the scenes for a good conditioning atmosphere for making films. Producers play a big role in handling and being involved throughout the whole process of the film-making.
A designer specifies in to the subject area they are given to look into structural designs for a performance. They create the title, banners, posters or flyers for the production and are likely to be qualified in the Graphic design area.
Lighting Designer’s work in theatres alongside the director, set designer and costume designer. They may also work with the sound designer and choreographer to accomplish an overall theme or style for the whole show. They will often read through the script carefully and make note of any lighting changes, effects, composition, brightness intensity, color co-ordination. As a lighting designers job is more abstract than other relative theatre jobs it can be difficult to convey ideas with other crew members. However they do have various forms of paperwork which are essential to help them communicate with each other.
Musical Director
The music director takes responsibility to simply direct music. They may work with sound produced from studios or live orchestral music. Being able to work with the lighting designer enables him/her to enter a musical sound of volume, beat, genre etc. And by observing rehearsals they can improve their precision. A musical director can work in a variety of radio stations to music departments in schools/colleges or churches.
Stage Manager
Stage Managers accountability relies on organizing and coordination a theatrical production. It involves organizing the production and coordinating communications between other crew members such as actors or producers. They take overall responsibility of the staging including layout, entrance and exits for actors, placements of props etc. Stage manager may be performed by small groups or individually depending on the size of the task, as more assistants are needed for a larger task.
Stage Crew
Stage crew is a set of people who amongst themselves share the duties of operating sound, lighting, writing, acting and directing. They all get together and communicate, orally and visually, to present ideas to the directors and producers. They also convey ideas and take care of important paperwork necessities such as risk assessment and budgeting.
A sequence in chronological movements is designed by a Choreographer. They are able to use different dance techniques to put together a choreographed sequel. Many choreographers look deep in to their choice of movement as they often wish for it to express something by the means of notation. A choreographer would work alongside the lighting and sound managers.
Prop Master
A prop master is someone who is in charge of the props that need to be located on and off the stage during a performance. They look in to detail of information such as whether a prop is light enough to be carried on and off stage, is it safe to do so, the timing of when items are needed etc. They would work according to the layout of the stage hence work with the stage manager very closely.
Construction Manager
An overall planner who co-ordinates and controls the project from inception to completion is called a Construction manager. They attend meetings with clients in order to produce a functionally and financially working project which can run successfully.
Dresser/Wardrobe Assistant
A dresser/wardrobe assistant needs to research the theme of the production in order to decide the costumes which will be needed for the actors and actresses. They also need to look at the script as different costumes may need to be worn and the dresser will need clothes that can be easily taken on and off during the production. Ideally dressers should have an eye for fashion whether it is modern or traditional or looking in to a theme and picking out an outfit. During the production they are there to assistant with changing and handing the items to the actors and actresses.
A publicist generates publicity on half of their clients; they look for ways that this can be done such as using a celebrity. However not only do they multiply as much publicity as possible but also manage it for a public figure. Some of their work also includes: write press releases, deal with media conflicts, perform public relations, manage campaigns and develop media contacts, experience and relationships necessary to be an effective publicist.

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